Zoo Trip 2022

Class Nursery

The students of class Nursery along with the teachers went on an educational field trip to the zoo on 29th September 2022. A total of 58 students and 12 teaching and non teaching stuff were there. The students have been earnestly waiting for this day for a long time. The students wore sunglasses, hats and came prepared for the trip. Before venturing into the journey we all had our prayer and set off for the zoo trip. Everyone promised to listen and follow their respective teachers before departing. The students were excited to see the school bus and rushed into the bus as soon as they were asked to. It was a fun bus ride as the students sang their favorite songs the whole way. After reaching the spot every class took turns to click a class photo in front of the zoo gate. Slowly then we proceeded toward the zoo, the first animal the student encounter was the Monkey, then on we all saw different types of monkeys, they were so playful and were jumping around within their cages and entertaining the kids. Some monkey even made loud noises which frightened some students whereas some students started to mimic the sound of the monkey. Then we moved ahead to the enclosure where they saw some more animals and birds like the deer, wild dog, bear, python, porcupine, turtle, dove, emu, hornbill, black kite etc. The student’s curiosity made them ask a lot of questions like what they eat, who feeds them, how they sleep etc. There was a beautiful butterfly garden in the middle of the zoo where many flowers were planted and nicely maintained, the students were so happy and excited to see the butterfly gate. After taking a complete round of the zoo we relaxed for sometime in a cool shed and had some snacks and drinks which refreshed us much. After the break we went to see the tiger but we were not in luck as the tiger did not show up, the students were a little disappointed but we cheered them up saying that they can come and visit the zoo next year. Finally we took some photos and headed back towards the bus. The zoo trip was a fun and educational one as the students were able to witness the different wild animals in reality about whom they have only read in books. After seeing those in reality the children can easily recognize them. The zoo trip has also provided knowledge about different animals and their habitats. It was great joy to see and spend time with the animals.

Report by Class Nursery Teachers

Class A

Often the reason for visiting a zoo is to observe the behaviour of the animals, watching the animals walk, fly and nest.

This year, 120 students along with 12 teachers visited the zoo on the 28th of September 2022. The trip to the zoo was solely for educational purpose with a view to enhance their background knowledge and vocabulary that are important for the student’s growth . Many children don’t get to experience the educational outing trip with their families so the school trip gives children a chance to experience new venues which enhances their critical thinking skills and gives every child a chance to think about a topic or theme from a different perspective.

The journey began with the teachers enlightening the children on a few things they need to keep in mind while visiting the zoo such as, always staying with the group or an adult, not feeding the animals as that could be harmful to them, not teasing or frightening them by making any kind of noises, not littering the place and not getting close to the animals. The students who wouldn’t interact much in the class opened up themselves during the educational trip.It helped in making good bonding with their classmates as well. Seeing a variety of animals and birds was a topic of massive discussion for the students, They
were fascinated by the beauty of nature. It was an enriching and learning experience for the students.

Report by Class A Teachers

Class B

The much awaited annual trip for class B happened on 30 th September 2022. For this trip three buses full of enthusiastic students left for the zoo. On the way they all sang and narrated stories of the places they had come across before. A visit to the zoo was indeed a breathtaking view to the beauty of nature. On reaching our destination they lined up section wise all ready to explore the wild. They were all geared up for this and looked fresher than ever with their beautiful shades and colourful hats. On entering the gate they started marching forward singing songs, living and enjoying each step they took. As we move from one enclosure to another they were left in awe and amazement. First we got to see the monkeys.

Alfred A Montapert says that “Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal”.

A visit to the zoo is an opening to the door of the beauty of nature. We were looking forward to the trip and it turned out to be one of the most exciting outings we had so far. There is always something new to learn about the animals and zoo is the perfect place to see their nature first hand. A glance at the different animals with their unique features, and nature and habits brought smiles on their faces. It was a great opportunity for the students to watch animals in real other than story books and television. Some of the animals and birds species that were spotted were Tigers, Leopard cats, Sangai Deers, Hoolock Gibbons, Himalayan Monkeys, Spotted Dove, Hornbills, Black Kite, Python, Emu etc. The zoo trip acted as a key to emanate imagination and build emotional connections with them. it helped them learn a real concept that animals are much a living thing and that they have emotions. It was a thrilling discovery for the students to see the animals in actions and that they exist in real. Seeing the animals in real life inculcated in them a respect for animals, and learned discipline in the process. Our zoo trip was an extension of learning beyond the classroom walls, and gave them an opportunity to learn about the animals and nature better. The students were not only given knowledge about the animals but were also told to be kind and compassionate towards them as they also share our environment with us. The delightful zoo trip came to an end with the kids leaving with smiles on their faces as they got to learn and see a lot about the animal kingdom. I am sure this exposure trip will be a happy memory for both the students and the teachers.

Report by Class B Teachers