animals – Star Kids Inspiring Little Minds Fri, 06 Oct 2023 09:38:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Class Nursery –Zoo Trip 2023 Fri, 06 Oct 2023 06:04:54 +0000 Class Nursery –Zoo Trip 2023Read more

Visiting a zoo is not only an exciting and enjoyable trip, but it also provides us with immense knowledge about the habitats and characteristics of various animals, birds, and reptiles.

The Nursery class planned a zoo-cum-picnic trip to the Zoological Park in Rangapahar on 15-09-2023. The kids had been eagerly awaiting the trip, and when the day finally arrived, their excitement was palpable. As it was their first zoo trip, their enthusiasm was evident through their laughter, singing, and jumping on the way.

Upon reaching the venue, we had a group photo session with the kids. They were then taken inside the zoo, where they saw gibbons, bears, deer, pythons, porcupines, hornbills, and more, and had the opportunity to take pictures near the animal enclosures. Afterward, the kids settled down for lunch, where they rested and enjoyed their packed lunches in the cool shade.

Next, the kids visited the butterfly garden located in the middle of the animal enclosures, where they admired the beautiful flowers and took pictures. We proceeded to see the tigers, which the kids had been eagerly looking forward to, but unfortunately, they couldn’t catch a glimpse. Despite this, they quickly moved on and continued with the sightseeing, anticipating a return visit next year.

The kids were filled with curiosity about what they saw and couldn’t stop themselves from asking numerous questions. The trip was a success, providing not only enjoyment but also valuable educational insights into the diverse forms of life on our planet.

Though tired at the end of the day, the kids couldn’t stop talking about the animals they saw on our way back to school. Overall, it was a memorable trip, and the kids will enthusiastically share their stories with their parents and friends.

Miss Nzanhroni Murry

Class Nursery (Angel Stars)
Class Nursery (Tiny Twinkles)
Class Nursery (Milky Ways)
Class Nursery (Precious Angels)
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