Singing Competition

Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed hearts open. It binds our heart, soul, and emotions.

The Singing Competition was held on March 18, 2024, where all the Star Kids students participated. The aim of this competition was to encourage the students to discover their talents, build self-confidence, promote self-esteem, express emotions, and enhance musical abilities.

This event received an overwhelming response, with the students showcasing their mastery by performing with great courage and enthusiasm. The students presented their songs in English and in their native languages too. Each student presented the song in their own unique style; some sang with catchy musical tracks, some brought their own musical instruments and sang along with them, and some presented the song with actions. The participants were judged based on their melody, rhythm, pronunciation, posture, accuracy, stage presence, vocal clarity, and projection. The winners were awarded certificates of appreciation. The whole event was a memorable experience for everyone.

Now, let’s announce the winners of the singing competition-


Precious Pearls

1st- Chipiu Chishi

2nd- Topeni T Aye

3rd- Moanola

Heavenly Waters

1st- Aliki O Muru

2nd- Ikuku T Chishi

3rd- Tunakali Sumi

Shining Pluto

1st- Tzudilila Longkumer

2nd- Liniu Swu

3rd- Mhachan Kikon

Smart Earthlings

1st- Kelung Hairang

2nd- Dauom H Buchem

3rd- Iloholi Achumi


1st- Benroni Murry

2nd- Nuvika Yepthomi

3rd – Taochizuin Aier


Twinkling Stars

1st – Etisung

2nd – Wasen Longchar

3rd – Kideno Khuvung

Great bears

1st- Apijemla Aochir Aier

2nd- Hinovi Ezra Chishi

3rd- Keyu M Achumi

Little Dippers

1st- Emiro Murry

2nd- Tiaben Walling

3rd- Akum Toshi Lemtur

Birds of paradise

1st- Azalea Jamir

2nd- Grace Tanglao

3rd- Daegrik Jigdong

Shooting stars

1st- Liza Mozhui

2nd- Alemsor Imsong

3rd- Michelle Ovung

Blue Dolphin

1st- Lendiren Kichu

2nd- Elina B Swu

3rd- Wanyem Walim


Angel stars

1st – Aarohi Sutradhar

2nd- Tiasola Longchar

3rd- Molongnenla

Tiny Twinkles

1st- Arjong Ozukum

2nd- Litiya Changkiri

3rd- Lentina Chungmir

Milky Ways

1st- Azalea Swu

2nd- Liza Zoey C Zhimomi

3rd- Lipivi S Chophy

Precious Angels

1st – Lirhonthung Tsanglao

2nd – Roli A Sapriina

3rd – Alona Phoebe Swu

Report by Miss Takunaro

Class B (Precious Pearls)

Class B ( Heavenly Waters)

Class B (Shining Pluto)

Class B (Smart Earthlings)

Class B (Polaris)

Class A (Twinkling Stars)

Class A (Great Bears)

Class A (Shooting Stars)

Class A (Blue Dolphin)

Class A (Birds of Paradise)

Class A ( Little Dippers)

Class Nursery (Angel Stars)

Class Nursery (Tiny Twinkles)

Class Nursery (Milky Ways)

Class Nursery (Precious Angels)