Show And Tell Competition 2023

Show and Tell Competition

Star kids organized “Show and Tell competition” on 11th August 2023.

The Competition was open to all the students in Nursery, Class-A and Class-B with a total of 350 enthusiastic participants.

The students participated with full zeal and enthusiasm. This competition was to strengthen the verbal skills and to foster public speaking competency. They came up with various interesting props and excitedly shared their descriptive narration and waited eagerly for their turn. Thus this event helped our kids to build their social, emotional and language skills. It goes without saying that students involvement infused confidence and self-reliance. The inspiring presentation left no stone unturned to achieve a realistic appraisal of skills to discover the power of spoken words. It was an interesting and thrilling experience for the children sharing their feelings with peers which provided a fun and comfortable learning arena for everyone involved.

The students performances were evaluated by teachers based on several criteria.

Three winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd position) were selected from each class.

Below are the winners from each class:

Class Nursery

Section-A (Angel Stars)

1st- Rasih Sangtam

2nd- Abeka Chella

3rd- Akum Toshi Lemtur

Section-B (Tiny Twinkles)

1st- Elina B Swu

2nd- Azalea Jamir

3rd- Vioni Chishi

Section-C (Milky Ways)

1st- Tiaben Walling

2nd- Griksmai Napen

3rd- Desala Sangtam

Section-D (Precious Angels)

1st- Daegrik Jigdong

2nd- Liusu T Kiho

3rd- Danni Devi

Class- A

Section-A (Twinkling Stars)

1st- Aiden Thejasevor Zumvü

2nd- Kemery E Ezung

3rd- Kilangsungla Chungmir

Section-B (Great Bears)

1st- Nilovi Chishi

2nd- Thsadiro K Sangtam

3rd- Topeni Aye

Section-C (Shooting stars)

1st- Nipuke Sumi

2nd- lkutsa Zhimomi

3rd- Tayemu Thuu

Section-D (Blue Dolphin)

1st- Ho-ika Achum

2nd- Siyah Sangtam

3rd- Temsuakum Longchari

Section-E (Birds of paradise)

1st- Ikuku Chishi

2nd- Sepongchila

3rd- Himanshu Raut

Section- F (Little Dippers)

1st- Taochiso Jamir

2nd- Rishika Dubey

3rd- Moamen Changkiri


Section-A (Precious Pearls)

1st- Liana Aier

2nd- Shammei Angh

3rd- Kedayile

Section- B (Heavenly Waters)

1st- Rathai Zeliang

2nd- Kuvupu Zhimomi

3rd- Nayung Ilem Chang

Section- C (Shining Pluto)

1st- Lirosen Jamir

2nd- Kholi Clement Sapriina

3rd- Pokyimer Walling

Section- D (Poloris)

1st- Liki A Sumi

2nd- Micah Shohe

3rd- Akeno A Achumi

Section- E ( Smart Earthlings )

1st- Nighuna Zhimomi

2nd- Niusu Awomi

3rd- Moiong B Phom

Class Nursery (Tiny Twinkles)
Class Nursery (Milky Ways)
Class Nursery (Precious Angels)
Class A (Twinkling Stars)
Class A (Great Bears)
Class A (Shooting Stars)
Class A (Blue dolphin)
Class A (Birds Of Paradise)
Class B (Heavenly Waters)
Class B (Shining Pluto)
Class B (Smart Earthlings)