Class A 2nd Annual Math Quiz Competiton 2024

    The 2nd Annual Math quiz competition of Class A was held on 13th September 2024 which provided a platform to enrich the knowledge and the curiosity of the students and boosted their confidence.

     The competition showcased the students extensive understanding of Mathematics and their ability to solve and tackle each question in a jiff. The participants exhibited tremendous potential as they keenly heard the questions and answered with great eagerness.

    Miss Lhingneichin Roselyn and Miss Risemenla Longchari were the quiz masters and the event was graced by the presence of  Honourable Chairman Madam Nini Sekhose, Director Sir Vihutuo Sekhose, Principal Madam Christina Neikhrienuo, Administrator Sir Ketoulhou Sekhose and parents of the participants.

   The event started with an invocation by Miss Nzanbeni Ngullie. The time keepers were Miss Sentijungla Imchen and Miss Menguzonuo, Miss Rukhsar Begum and Miss Imlikala Imchen were the Score keeper and Power point In-charge.

    The competition featured six teams representing the six sections of Class A. It comprised of nine rounds covering various topics as well as practical demonstration on various topics of Mathematics. After a thrilling worksheet round at the end, Little Dippers emerged as the winner securing the 1st position. Twinkling Stars gave a tough competition and bagged the 2nd position and Great Bear came in 3rd position. Administrator Sir Ketoulhou Sekhose gave away the prizes and certificates to the teams.

    The students took a lot of interest during the audience rounds and participated with zeal and vigour. The competition concluded with a benediction prayer by Miss Menangmenla Alingri. Everyone enjoyed being a part of this intriguing event.

Report by Miss Risemenla Longchari


2D Shapes Round

Audience Round

Patterns Round

Ordinal Numbers Round