Charity Week Report 2023

“Every charitable act is a stepping stone towards heaven”

Charity is the act of extending love and kindness to others unconditionally, which is a conscious act but the decision is made by the heart, without expecting a reward. When Charity is carried out selflessly, it is a one- way act where a person gives but asks for nothing in return.

Star Kids Charity week commenced from 5th till 9th June.It aimed at lending a helping hand for the upliftment of those in need.It is a great initiative taken out to reach out to orphanages, NGO’s, indigent society etc through different contributions made by the student’s families.Contributions in the form of money, eatables,stationaries such as storybooks, notebooks,pencils etc were handed over.

                    The generous givers were celebrated with badges as a sign of appreciation for their donation.In addition the respective teachers imparted the importance of showing kindness to the needful making the cause more meaningful and that’s how we can conclude that the Charity Week was a great success.

Reported by:

Konjai Noklang

Class Nursery(Precious Angels)
Class B(Precious Pearls)